11th Annual National Fellows Conference
About the Conference
Each year, the community of fellows programs gather together in the Washington DC area for the TFI National Fellows Conference. Occurring near the end of the program year, this conference is a time for fellows to see old friends, reflect on all that has been learned, and prepare for life after the program. Most fellows programs use this time to tour the Capitol Region, visit elected representatives, and learn about some of the global companies and nonprofits in this area. PLEASE JOIN US!
Dates, Location and Registration
April 27 - 29, 2018
Crystal City Marriott at Reagan International Airport
1999 Jefferson Davis Hwy
Arlington, VA 22202
The Crystal City Marriott at Regan International Airport is very close to the Regan airport. It's not walking distance, but it is a short Metro or taxi/Uber ride. Dulles and BWI airports are 45-60 minutes away by car, depending on traffic.
The cost of the conference is $125 per person.
High-level Agenda
• Friday, April 27: Evening Dinner and Program
• Saturday, April 28: Morning Program
• Saturday, April 28: Evening Dinner and Program
• Sunday, April 29: Worship Service on Your Own (includes box lunch)
Lodging, Meals and Transportation
TFI has reserved a limited block of rooms at the Crystal City Marriott at a reduced rate of $119/night for Friday and Saturday nights (April 27 and 28), available on a first-come first-served basis. Rooms may be available before or after April 25-May 1, however, those rates are likely to be higher. All rooms must be reserved using your credit card by March 28, 2017. Your registration fees cover the following meals: Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, Saturday dinner and a boxed lunch on Sunday. Program staff will also receive lunch on Saturday during the director's meeting.
Air and ground transportation is not provided by TFI for this event. The Washington DC area has a wonderful subway system called Metro that is easily accessible (i.e. walking) from the conference hotel and Regan National Airport.
Who Should Attend?
This is the annual gathering of all TFI fellows programs. We encourage all fellows to be here with their programs. Program directors, assistant directors, and other program leaders are also encouraged to attend. We look forward to seeing you!
Additional Information
Hotel rooms are limited at the National Conference hotel. Please make your reservations as early as possible.
Space is limited at the conference venue itself. If you are planning to bring guests, please note that the fellows will have priority seating in the main ballroom of the hotel. Most program staff and guests will be in an overflow room next to the ballroom.