Micah 6:8 Conference
Each autumn for the last 13 years, the Fellows Initiative (TFI) has convened young adults, all on the cusp of their careers, for a teaching retreat. The topic: Justice.
He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8
TFI envisions a world impacted by leaders living their Christian faith seamlessly, informing all areas of their lives and transforming the culture for the glory of God and His Kingdom. More than 20 Fellows Programs are united by this vision, and seek to equip young adults with this seamlessness – with special attention given to their vocational calling.
This biblical mandate to do justice with mercy and humility is our focus at our Micah 6:8 teaching retreat. Fellows will discover what this means and various ways it can be lived out. Fellows Programs want to equip aspiring law and mercy professionals with an understanding of the ethical, and moral foundation of law, as well as a vision for the eternal significance of that work in God’s Kingdom.
While it’s evident why aspiring lawyers and social/medical service professionals would benefit from the teaching, it’s relevance is not lost on believers who are gifted and qualified for other types of work in the marketplace – business, the arts, education, public service, technology. These Fellows will also discover that justice is required in every area – and that we’re all responsible for helping to redeem the world through the good work that we do. All Fellows will come away with a new respect and understanding of God’s meaning of justice -- for lawyers, doctors, and social service professionals, and for their own profession as well. Fellows will discern a new and exciting role in His story.